Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 2


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan jawaban dari soal-soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 2. Dengan menggunakan jawaban ini, diharapkan siswa dapat memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai materi Bahasa Inggris yang telah dipelajari. Soal-soal ini berkisar pada beragam topik seperti tenses, vocabulary, grammar, dan lain sebagainya. Mari kita mulai dengan jawaban pertama!

Soal 1: Tenses

1. I have been studying English for five years. (Saya telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama lima tahun.)

Jawaban: The present perfect continuous tense is used in this sentence to express an action that started in the past and is still ongoing in the present.

Soal 2: Vocabulary

2. The word “accomplish” means to achieve or complete something successfully. (Kata “accomplish” berarti mencapai atau menyelesaikan sesuatu dengan sukses.)

Jawaban: The given definition is correct. “Accomplish” is commonly used to describe the successful completion of a task or goal.

Soal 3: Grammar

3. She asked me if I had seen the movie. (Dia bertanya apakah saya sudah menonton film tersebut.)

Jawaban: This sentence is in the reported speech form, where the past perfect tense “had seen” is used to indicate an action that occurred before a certain point in the past.

Soal 4: Reading Comprehension

4. Based on the passage, what is the main idea of the text? (Berdasarkan bacaan, apa ide utama dari teks tersebut?)

Jawaban: The main idea of the text is that climate change poses a significant threat to the environment and requires immediate action to mitigate its effects.

Soal 5: Writing

5. Write a paragraph about your favorite hobby. (Tulis satu paragraf tentang hobi favoritmu.)

Jawaban: My favorite hobby is reading. I enjoy immersing myself in different fictional worlds and exploring new ideas through books. Reading not only entertains me but also broadens my knowledge and enhances my creativity. It is a hobby that I can indulge in anytime and anywhere, whether I’m at home or traveling. Overall, reading is a truly enriching and fulfilling hobby for me.

Soal 6: Listening Comprehension

6. What did the speaker say about the upcoming event? (Apa yang dikatakan oleh pembicara tentang acara yang akan datang?)

Jawaban: The speaker mentioned that the upcoming event will feature various guest speakers and interactive workshops, providing attendees with valuable insights and practical skills.

Soal 7: Translation

7. Translate the following sentence into English: “Dia sedang makan siang bersama keluarganya.” (She is having lunch with her family.)

Jawaban: The given translation is correct. The sentence describes someone currently having lunch with their family.

Soal 8: Grammar

8. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: “The dog _______ all night.” (Bark / Barks / Barked) (Anjing itu menggonggong sepanjang malam.)

Jawaban: The correct form of the verb is “barked” as it indicates a past action performed by the dog.

Soal 9: Vocabulary

9. What is the synonym of the word “generous”? (Apakah sinonim dari kata “generous”?)

Jawaban: The synonym of “generous” is “benevolent” or “charitable.” These words all convey the idea of being kind and giving.

Soal 10: Reading Comprehension

10. Based on the information in the text, what are the benefits of regular exercise? (Berdasarkan informasi dalam teks, apa manfaat dari olahraga rutin?)

Jawaban: The benefits of regular exercise mentioned in the text include improved physical health, increased energy levels, better mood, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.


Artikel ini telah membahas jawaban dari berbagai soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 2. Jawaban tersebut mencakup beragam topik seperti tenses, vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, dan translation. Dengan memahami dan menguasai materi ini, diharapkan siswa dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Teruslah berlatih dan jangan takut untuk mencari pengetahuan baru! Semoga sukses dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris!